Add Video to Gift Landing Pages

  • Updated

Alyce users with Admin access can now add video links into Alyce campaigns for gift invitation landing pages. These video links will give you the ability to replace the written message on your Gift Landing Page, offering your gift recipient a more personalized experience.

Example video landing page:


How to Add a Video Link to an Alyce Campaign

1. Click on "Campaigns", and then hover next to the campaign you'd like to edit to bring up the "Actions" drop-down. Click "Edit settings" to edit the Campaign Settings.


2. Once in the Campaign Settings, toggle to "Gift Invites." Scroll down to the bottom of these Gift Invite settings until you see Gift Invitation Landing Page Video Link.


3. Click "Change" then "embed video link" and embed the link to your video. 

4. To allow individual to add their own personal videos, check the box for "Allow team members to add their own video or change the default landing page video link on a per gift basis."


5. Click "Save" to replace your written message with a video message. 

How to add a video to an individual gift

Note: Your admin will need to enable the setting to add personal video links on a per-gift basis in the Campaign Settings (above)

When sending a Personal gift, you will have an option after editing your gift message to customize the video landing page. Choosing "Add or record Vidyard video" will launch Vidyard where you can sign in and either choose an existing video, or record a new one.

Choosing "Embed video link" will allow you to enter a link to a video from the video platforms Alyce supports (below)


Video Platforms Alyce Supports

Alyce can support links from Youtube, Vimeo, Vidyard, and Wistia for these videos.


1. Go to YouTube.
2. Navigate to the video you wish to embed.
3. Click the Share link below the video, then click the Embed link.
4. The embed link will be inside of the text available and will look like You will need to copy this link in order to add it to your campaign.
5. Limitations - there is no limit to the number of videos you can embed from your YouTube account.


1. Go to Vimeo.
2. Navigate to the video you wish to embed.
3. Click the Share button, in the right button controls on your video.


4. Copy the Code, and paste it to a notepad or text editor to extract the player link 


5. Grab just source URL as shown here: 


6. Paste the player URL into your Campaign settings and save 


7. Limits - while Vimeo does not limit the number of videos you can embed, you will have more control over how the video displays on a paid account.


1. Go to Wistia.

2. Navigate to the video you wish to embed.

3. Click the Embed and Share button, in the top right corner of your video.

4. A pop-up will appear with the inline embed information.

5. First click fallback as the "embed type." Then You will need to copy the embed link in order to add it to your campaign.

6. The embed link will be inside of this text and look something like this:

7. You will need to copy this link in order to add it to your campaign. Note that you may see a file extension when copying the link such as .jsonp Please remove the extension when copying the link.

8. Limits - Wistia limits the total number of videos you can create as part of their pricing. Please refer to your plan details for more information how many videos you can create and share.


1. Go to Vidyard.

2. Navigate to the video you wish to embed.

3. Click the Share button, in the top of the page.

4. Make sure embed on your page is turned on.

5. Click copy code and then paste the code into a text editor.

6. Then where you see a link followed by a .jpg, copy everything prior to the .jpg

7. The embed link will be inside of this text and look something like this:

8. You will need to copy this link in order to add it to your campaign.

9. Limits - Vidyard limits users to 5 videos total on the free plan. Please refer to your plan details for information on how many videos you can create and share.

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