Need more information: Alyce will let you know if the recipient uploaded no longer works at the stated company, works remotely, or permanently lives outside the U.S. or Canada. If you have more information to provide Alyce that can help us contact the person, we'll ask for it at this time. If not, you can also decide to remove this recipient from the queue and replace them.
Gift options are ready: after your prospect's name goes through Alyce's AI and our agents serve up gift options, we'll let you know that it's time to pick a gift and send it out!
Gift invite sent: once your gift sender chooses a gift, Alyce's team will complete address validation, complete the handwritten card with your message on it, process the invitation and send it out via your chosen invitation method. An email invitation is automatic, but a sleek box, cedar edition, love pop card and gallery edition are processed by our team.
Gift invitation is delivered: Your invitation box has arrived!! This is an ideal time for reps to follow up - check-in to make sure the invitation got to your prospect, and encourage them to accept the gift and book the meeting.
Gift viewed: when your gift invitation lands on your prospect's desk, they will be given instructions to get to their personalized landing page. When they log in and view this landing page, you'll be notified. They are a really hot lead at this point, as they've taken the time to view what you sent them. This is a prime time for follow up - encourage them to accept the gift and book the meeting!
Gift accepted: this is when your recipient accepts the gift you've sent them! This will correspond with a meeting on your reps calendar - another prime time to follow up to ensure the meeting occurs!
Gift declined: sometimes a prospect will decline a gift if they are unable to accept gifts because of internal regulations. You'll be notified if this happens.
Gift expired: if your recipient does not accept their gift within the allotted time frame set up in your settings, the gift will expire and they will no longer be able to accept the gift.
Gift disabled: The gift has been disabled by the sender prior to send.
Created & Queued for Research: Gifts that have been created, but research has not yet been completed.
Requiring Attention: Alyce required additional information to complete research.
Options are Ready: Research has been completed, gift options are ready, and the sender can select their gift and send.
There are three main areas you will see the status of gifts:
Gift Breakdown by Team Dashboard
Navigate here by clicking on Teams -> Team Name -> Scroll down to Gift Breakdown
Gift Breakdown on Each Individual Campaign Dashboard
Navigate here by clicking on Campaigns -> Campaign Name -> Scroll down to Gift Breakdown Status section of the Enterprise Dashboard, Team Dashboard and Campaign Dashboard
In the Alyce enterprise dashboard, you can see a breakdown of how many gifts your team has in each status at any given time. Below is a breakdown of these statuses, and what each status means:
- Invites Getting Prepared
- Invites Sent and Not Accepted
- Invites Finished
Invites Getting Prepared
Under this status in the Enterprise Dashboard, you'll get a breakdown of all gifts that have not yet been sent, but are being prepared to be sent.
Created & Queued for Research
Gifts that have been created, but research has not yet been completed.
Requiring Attention
Alyce required additional information to complete research.
Options are Ready
Research has been completed, gift options are ready, and the sender can select their gift and send.
The gift has been disabled by the sender prior to send.
Invites Sent and Not Accepted
Under this status in the Enterprise Dashboard, you'll get a breakdown of all invitations that HAVE been sent, but still require an action or outcome.
Scheduled to be Sent
The gift has been purchased but is scheduled for future sending by the sender.
Address being Verified
Alyce is verifying the mailing address prior to sending invitation.
Queued for Shipping
Gift invitation is waiting to be sent to to the fulfillment partner.
Awaiting Fulfillment
Gift invitation is being processed for shipping by the fulfillment partner.
In Transit
Gift Invitation has been shipped and is en route to the recipient.
Delivered but not Viewed
Gift invitation has been delivered to the recipient but they have not yet inputted the gift code online to view the landing page.
Bounced or Returned
Gift invitation delivery failed.
Gift invitation has been viewed, but not yet acted on.
The gift expired before being acted on.
Invites Finished
Under this status in the Enterprise Dashboard, you'll get a breakdown of all invitations that have been sent, and an action has been taken.
The gift was accepted
The recipient declined to accept the gift.
Accepted & Meeting Booked
Gift was accepted and the required calendar event is scheduled.