How to Use the Gift Invitation Report

  • Updated

The Gift Invitation Report allows you to analyze trends across all of your gifting efforts. Utilize the Gift Invitation Report to measure the performance of a specific Gift Sender on your team, measure the effectiveness of a campaign, or monitor the status of gifts that have been sent. Here is how to access the Gift Invitation Report:  

Sending a Gift Invitation Report Email

You also have the ability to email the report to yourself or a member of your team. Here's how:

  1. To send a Gift Invitation Report Email, navigate to the Team whose gifting performance you'd like to share. 
  2. In the upper righthand corner, Click the "Viewing" drop down to select the timeframe you'd like to see
  3. Click the Gift Invitation Report button below
  4. You'll then be prompted to enter the email address of the email recipient.
  5. Click "Send Report" and the report is on its way. Larger reports take a little time. Check back in a couple of hours if you don't see it come through right away.   

Tips and tricks for using this report: 

Measure Specific Reps 

Use this report when:

  • You want to empower your sales reps! This report will tell you how many of their gifts have been accepted. 
  • You want to encourage your sales reps! This report will tell you when and how to encourage your reps to follow up. Check out column O, and have your reps follow up when gifts were viewed, but not yet accepted! 

How to Build the report:

  • In column "D", you'll see all your Alyce users. You can filter by name to see: 
    • Who they sent a gift to (columns I-L)
    • What the gift was (column O)
    • Date the gift was created (column AF)
    • Date the gift was sent (column AH)
    • Gift status (column S)
    • If the gift was accepted, exchanged, or donated (column AJ, AK, AL)
    • If the gift was unclaimed, you can get the link (column AM)
    • The thank you message from the recipient (column AO)

Measure Specific Campaigns

This report details the performance of your campaigns. 

How to Build the report:

  • In column "A" you can see all your different campaigns. You can filter by the campaign to see: 
    • Who they sent a gift to (column J and K)
    • What the gift was (column O)
    • The date the gift was created (column AF)
    • The date the gift was sent (column AH)
    • Gift status (column S)
    • If the gift was accepted, exchanged, or donated (column AJ, AK, AL)
    • If the gift was unclaimed, you can get the link (column AM) 

Measure delivery methods 

Use this report when you want to see how your delivery methods are working on their own, or compared to others. 

How to Build the report:

  • In column "O" you can filter by delivery method. Filter by the delivery method to see: 
    • If the gift was accepted, exchanged, or donated (column AJ, AK, AL)
    • If the gift was unclaimed, you can get the link (column AM) 
  • Check tracking numbers 
    • In column "Q", you'll find delivery tracking numbers for your boxes that have been sent.

Best practice: have your reps let their gift recipient know when they should expect a delivery.

Check delivery status (for boxes) 

  • Column "Q" will tell you the status of your gift boxes. 
    • In column "P", you'll find delivery tracking numbers for your boxes that have been sent.

Pull gift status's

  • Column "S" will let you know all your gift option status'. 
    • Gift options ready: gifts are ready for your reps to choose from and send off.
    • Gift options viewed: gifts have been sent and the landing page has been viewed. The gift hasn't been accepted..yet.
    • Gift options claimed: your gift was accepted.

Gifts accepted, exchanged, or donated 

  • Columns AJ, AK, AL will tell you if your gift options were accepted, exchanged, or donated. 

Unclaimed gift links 

  • Column AM will give you the landing page links for all of your gifts that are unclaimed. 
    • Best practice: have your reps send these links to the recipient in an email with a personalized message.

Required Actions

  • Column Y can be sorted by Y/N to collect gifts with a required action. Column Y shows the action that was required.
  • Column AB will show the meeting date in ISO8601 format. To make it more readable, you may want to reformat this column.
  • Column AC will show the required phone number.
  • Column AD will show the required email.
  • Column N will show the responses to a required question.

Best practices for driving more results

  1. Filter by column S (gift viewed) and have your sales reps follow up. These are warm leads who have looked at the landing page you sent - engage them with a follow up sequence.

Handy document with the full list of columns


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