Recommended Outreach Integration Triggers

  • Created

With Alyce events available in Outreach, there are a few key use cases admins can utilize to set up tasks and sequences that make sure reps are sending Alyce gifts and following up in the right way, at the right time, every time:

Note: Alyce recommends removing prospects from sequences once they complete the associated Alyce activity. So if a prospect views a gift, gets an email from a related sequence, and accepts, you'll want to remove them from the viewed sequence so they no longer more emails encouraging them to accept.

Select & Send a Gift When Options are Ready

Create an Outreach Trigger that automatically creates a task to remind you to select your gift options when they are ready, and then send an invitation to your prospect.

  • Trigger Event: Gift Options Ready
  • Trigger Actions: Create Task > Task Type: Action Item

Let Prospects Know When a Gift is on Its Way

Create a trigger in Outreach that sets a task to remind you to send a personalized email once a gift is sent.

  • Trigger Event: Gift Invitation Sent
  • Trigger Actions: Create Task > Task Type: Email

Call Prospects When an Invitation is Delivered

Create a trigger in Outreach that sets a call task once an invitation is marked as delivered.

  • Trigger Event: Gift Invitation Delivered
  • Trigger Actions: Create Task > Task Type: Call

*Note: If you are sending an Email Gift Invitation, please use the Event named: Gift Invitation Delivered - Email.

Follow-up When a Gift is Viewed but Not Accepted

Create a trigger in Outreach that enrolls a prospects in a sequence if a prospect receives and views their gift, but does not accept it.

  • Trigger Event: Gift Viewed
  • Trigger Actions: Add to Sequence > Selected Follow-up Sequence
  • Follow-up Sequence: Wait 2 days → Email → LinkedIn Message → Call → Email



Schedule Time When a Gift is Accepted

Create a trigger in Outreach that enrolls a prospect in a follow-up sequence after they’ve accepted a gift so reps can attempt to book a meeting.

  • Trigger Event: Gift Accepted
  • Trigger Actions: Add to Sequence > Selected Follow-up Sequence
  • Follow-up Sequence: Call → Email → Email → Call → Email



Follow up When a Gift is Declined

Create a trigger in Outreach for an email task to be created when a gift is declined so reps can follow up with prospects in a contextual way.  

  • Trigger Event: Gift Declined
  • Trigger Actions: Create Task > Task Type: Email

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