Testing the Marketo Integration

  • Updated

Complete the following steps to ensure the integration is functioning and the Custom Activities are being pushed from Alyce to Marketo.

1) Confirm the integration is completed before testing

  • As Org Admin, login to Alyce and navigate to Organization Settings.
  • Under the Integrations tab, confirm the green check and "Connected" text for Marketo and select "Manage".
  • Confirm the "Connected on" and "Last sync" dates/times and that the correct custom activities are selected.  NOTE: Alyce activities do not flow retroactively (activity prior to the "Connected on" date).

2) Send a test gift

  • Send an Alyce gift via email to, for example, your personal mail account or your Alyce CSM.

3) Review Marketo for the "Gift invitation created" status

  • Navigate to "Database"
  • Within "System Smart Lists" select "All People", navigate to the "People" tab, and use the "Quick find..." box at the bottom of the screen to search for the gift recipient. 
  • When found, double click the name to access their record.  Select "Activity Log" to check for the Alyce Custom Activity. NOTE: There may be a ~ 2min delay in recording this activity.

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