Addressing 'Salesforce Synchronize All Gifts' Batch Job Failures

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Check Apex Jobs

If a Salesforce Synchronize All Gifts batch job becomes stuck or fails, you'll want to check the Apex Jobs in Salesforce for errors. Here is how to get there:

  1. Settings gear
  2. Setup
  3. Type 'apex jobs' in the quick find
  4. Click 'Apex Jobs' from the menu


Common Error from Salesforce

This screenshot provides an example of what an Apex job error may look like. Please note that the errors listed here originate from Salesforce and not Alyce.

Commonly, the text of the error will be similar to alycecom: Too many query rows:

Decrease Batch Size Limit

The recommended solution to the above error is to decrease the batch size limit in Salesforce settings for the Alyce-specific job request. Here's how:

  1. Head to Develop > Custom Settings
  2. Click "Manage" next to Alyce Batch Job Schedule

  3. Under "AlyceBulkGiftDataCheck" click "Edit"

  4. On this page you will see a number of options. The recommendation is to set the Limit to 5, but it can be set as low as 2 if issues persist. Click Save.

    Note that the decrease in batch size will cause the sync to go slower overall, but it will increase the likelihood of success.

If further assistance is needed, contact Salesforce support for troubleshooting and adjustments.

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