Drift and Alyce don’t have a direct integration but they integrate with very similar systems. That means you can connect Drift bots to Alyce Campaigns and vice versa depending on your tech stack.
We’d suggest having the Marketo and Salesforce integrations connected through both systems to be the way to have flexibility over your Chatbot and Gifting campaigns
There are two different use-cases you can use with Drift and Alyce together. We’ll review those use cases in this doc.
Triggering An Alyce Gift Through A Drift Bot
Note: You will need Alyce 1:Many and Salesforce OR Marketo integrated with your Alyce account
- Set up your 1:Many Campaign in Alyce and select a Marketo Smart List or a Static CSV to be used as the audience for your 1:Many campaign
- If you select a Marketo Smart List, ensure that your Smartlist is already created and activated in your Marketo instance. We will go through how to trigger the 1:Many campaign through Marketo later on in this doc.
- If you don’t have a Drift instance with the Marketo integration but you are Marketo and Salesforce users, you can use an Alyce Salesforce Marketo campaign sync which we will cover later in this document as well.
- Set up your Driftbot for your campaign and to include a Gift redemption path for your users. If this is a bot that is targeted to anonymous visitors as well as known visitors, include email capture node in your Bot flow. This will ensure that Alyce can trigger the Alyce 1:Many campaign in Marketo with all of the emails captured through the bot properly white listed.
- If you are using the direct to Marketo integration in Drift, tag the emails who will be white listed in Marketo to receive the Alyce Gift. You can use these as constraints in your Marketo program later on.
(PS - Need some campaign ideas you can use Drift for? Check out this blog post to get your wheels turning)
- Once your bot flow is complete you’ll click over to “Settings” within your Driftbot. Like we mentioned before, if you do not currently have the Marketo integration connected to your Drift instance but you DO have Salesforce connected, you can sync all of the emails captured in this bot to a Salesforce campaign to then sync to Marketo.
If you DO have the Marketo integration enabled in your Drift instance, you can sync the responses directly to the Marketo program.
- If you are triggering your Alyce 1:Many campaign through a static CSV you can export the emails captured from the Bot in the Playbook report.
- Now you’re going to mosey on over to Marketo to make sure you’re calling the Alyce 1:Many Webhook to fire if you are triggering the 1:Many campaign through Marketo.
- If you’re triggering the Marketo Program Smartlist through the Salesforce Campaign sync, the trigger for your Marketo Smart List will be “Added To Salesforce Campaign”
If you’re triggering the Marketo Program Smartlist directly through the Driftbot, the trigger for your Marketo Smart List will be “New Drift Conversation”. In the screenshot below we set the “Conversation URL” field to be set to “is not empty” and added two constraints: Conversation Tags” and Conversation Playbook” to ensure that we are triggering the right action for the right people who went through the right path in the Playbook:
- Click over to the Flow of the Smart List. Then you’ll call the Alyce 1:Many webhook, wait one minute, and then send your follow up email with the Alyce 1:Many link inside the email!
- This is what our confirmation email looked like, to give you some inspiration for your next campaign:
Sending An Alyce Gift In A Drift Bot
If you want to offer up a gift within a bot and have the gift link sent directly in the bot, you can do that too!
Note: Alyce 1:Many and an integration with Marketo are necessary for this action
- Create a Marketo Smart List with specific criteria for an audience you want to gift via a Chatbot. Some ideas that could be fun audiences to target for gifts:
- Registrants for an event
- Attendees for an event
- Open Opportunities
- Customers up for renewal in 90 days for a moment of delight!
- Setup your Alyce 1:Many campaign that is triggered based on being added to the Marketo Smart List you’ve just created
- Sync your Marketo Smartlist into Drift so that Drift can recognize the emails that you’ll want to target through the Marketo Cookie
- Verify your Bot is targeted to that specific Marketo smart list - along with any other targeting criteria you want to add to your Drift Bot Flow
- Use the global Alyce 1:Many link in your Bot to allow users to claim their gift!
That’s it! You’ve done it, you’ve created a conversational, personal gifting experience on your site. What a pro!