Sometimes after a campaign is created, you may need to make changes to the initial settings. Some of the most important changes might be adjusting the budget for your gifts, adding or removing gift types, or changing the default send-as.
To edit a campaign start by clicking Campaigns across the top navigation bar
Find your campaign in the list by searching or sorting (clicking the headers)
From here, mouse over the campaign name to bring up the "Edit Settings" option
Changes can be made on either the "General" or "Gift Invites" tabs
More detail on the various settings can be found on our pages linked below:
Getting Started: How to Create an Alyce Personal Gifting™ Campaign
Getting Started: How to Create an Alyce 1:Many Campaign
How to Change the Owner of a Campaign
How to Change the Default Gift of a 1:Many campaign
How to Add a Recipient to an Alyce 1:Many Campaign
Admins: How to Use and Enable Gift Link Invitations
Note: if you adjust campaign budgets, gift types, or gift vendors any recipient who has been sent a gift invite will still be able to redeem that invite. If they choose to exchange their gift, they will see the latest selected options.