How to Manage Team Members in Alyce

  • Updated

Team and Organization Admins have the ability to manage Users in Alyce from a single dashboard.

Start by opening the Users and Teams Settings 

Click the Users Tab to manage the people on your Teams. 

From here, you can add and edit users, change team assignments, and remove users from teams or the organization as a whole.

Add a User

Click “Create users” button to open a dialog to add users individually. To learn more about how to add new users to your team, please see How to Add a Team Member in Alyce.

Edit Users

Hover over a user to expose the drop-down menu. To edit a user, select "Edit." Or click on the name of the user you'd like to update.

From here, you can change the user's role and team assignments. 

Remove Users

As people move to different teams or leave, you may need to remove them from a team.

Check the box next to the User(s) you wish to edit. This page allows for bulk actions.

To move a User to a new team, or remove them from a single team, select “Assign to Team.” 

Save your selection when satisfied with the configuration.

To remove a user from the Organization permanently, select “Remove from account.”

Gifts that have been sent, but not claimed, will still show in the Campaign Dashboard, and will still be associated with the original gifter when searching the Gift Breakdown. The original gifter will not receive email updates, and communication will go to the Campaign Owner if those emails are enabled. See What Alyce gift email notifications should I enable? for more details.

"I've added users, but they cannot sign in. How do I fix this?"

When new users are added, they must accept the invite from Alyce to verify their account. To resend the invitation, sort the list of users by clicking the column header "Last Activity."

Check the box next to the users with the status "Invitation Pending," then choose "Resend Invites" from the drop-down "Actions" menu. This will send a new invitation email from Alyce with a secure sign-in link.

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