One of the primary use cases for the HubSpot + Alyce integration is to enable a HubSpot user to send a gift via Alyce from directly within the HubSpot platform. To accomplish this, we have integrated the Alyce gifting flow as a CRM Card in the Contact page in HubSpot. Specifically, this gifting flow will be available in the panel on the right-hand side of the Contact page.
Note: You will need to connect your email address via the Alyce Dashboard in order to send gift invitation emails through your company domain. Without this integration emails will be sent from
Step 1: Ensure that you have successfully installed and enabled the Alyce for HubSpot integration by following the steps in this document.
Step 2: Navigate to the Contact page in HubSpot for the person you want to send a gift to.
Step 3: Rearrange the CRM Cards on the right side of the screen by clicking and dragging the
next to the Alyce card to ensure that Alyce is visible.
Step 4: Click the “Send Contact Alyce Gift” button within the Alyce integration.
Step 5: You have now opened the Alyce gifting flow. If this contact does not exist in Alyce, you will be prompted to add the contact. If everything looks correct, click "Create Contact."
Step 6: Choose the campaign from which you want to send this gift.
Step 7: Inside the gift flow in Alyce, choose one of the options Alyce recommends (shown below), or select “Choose your own” to browse all gift options in the marketplace.
Step 8: Next, select from the invitation types available and click “Set Method.”Please note: depending on the configuration of your campaign, not all of these gift invitation options may be available.
Step 9: Write a message to include in your gift invitation. Choose from the templates already included with this campaign your company provides or select “Blank Template” to write your own.
In this step you can choose to send this message from yourself, or send it as someone else.
Step 10: Preview your gift message by clicking “View message” or “View landing page.”
Once you’ve reviewed your message and are ready to continue with the gifting flow, click “set message and continue”.
If this campaign includes required actions, you can configure additional actions for the gift recipient to take before accepting a gift.
At the end of this step you can also choose what recipients can do with their gift.
Pro-tip: We strongly encourage you to keep your gift settings to “accept, exchange, or donate their gift.” By giving the gift recipient the option to choose ensures they get a gift they enjoy, and you gain valuable insight into their personal interests.
Step 11: Once your gift configurations are final, click “Continue.”
Step 12: You are now ready to send off your gift. Check the box confirming the message looks good, and click “Send Invite.”
Congratulations! You have just sent your first Alyce gift via HubSpot.