Alyce 1:Many™ offers you an alternative to sending gifts one at a time by using a universal gift link. Before sending a link, you'll need to make contacts eligible to access and redeem gifts using the link. Linking to a Smart Campaign is what allows you to dynamically make contacts eligible to accept a gift from your 1:Many link. For example, you can set up a Smart Campaign that says "When someone registers for this webinar, make them eligible to accept a gift from this Campaign link."
Start by following these instructions to set up a webhook in Marketo for Alyce 1:Many. In your Marketo program, create a Smart Campaign with a Smart List that designates the TRIGGER that you want to make someone eligible to accept a gift from your 1:Many link. Please note: This step MUST include a TRIGGER
In the Flow step of your Smart Campaign, add a "Call Webhook" step and choose the Alyce webhook that you set up to start.
Navigate to Alyce. Create a 1:Many Campaign following the steps in Getting Started: How to create an Alyce 1:Many Campaign
In the Recipients step, select "Use Marketo Integration, and select "Use a smart campaign"
You will be presented with the folders and programs from your Marketo instance. Select the Marketo Smart Campaign you would like to link, scroll to the bottom, and select "Link your campaign".
When you've selected your Smart Campaign, click the button to make the link. You will see a confirmation message.
Proceed through the remaining steps to finalize and save your campaign.
In Marketo, create your email and include the 1:Many link. In your Smart Campaign, now add the step of "Send Email" to your Flow, selecting the email you just created.