Alyce Dashboards (Beta)

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Note: Your organization must connect to Salesforce via the latest Alyce plug-in (2.0 or later) in order to view the Revenue Impact & Funnel Influence dashboards.

Now you can see the impact of Alyce throughout the entire marketing and sales funnel. You’ll be able to see which campaigns influence meetings booked, new deals and revenue overall, and even drill into details by rep, team, plus campaign, campaign type, accounts, spend, meetings booked, new deals, opportunity stage, closed/won and more - to see how Alyce is influencing each of these areas.

Revenue Impact

The Alyce Revenue Impact Dashboard (powered by Salesforce) provides a breakdown of the influence that Alyce has had on generating pipeline and closing opportunities across an organization. 

If your organization has access to the Dashboards feature, all users will see the Revenue Impact dashboard upon logging into Alyce. 

End users will only have access to dashboard data for teams they belong to, while company administrators will see the data for all teams.

The Revenue Impact Dashboard is broken up into three distinct sections: Pipeline Summary, Influenced Revenue by Deal Type, and the Influenced Accounts table.


Using the filters on the top right-hand corner of the dashboard, you can easily filter your results by Team, Campaign or Team Member, by a variety of date ranges, or by a custom date range.  

Pipeline Summary

The Pipeline Summary section of the Revenue Impact dashboard provides a high-level overview of the total opportunity value influenced by your Alyce gifting activity versus your total spend on Alyce gifting, and contains 5 key data points:

  1. Open [Revenue]
    1. Influenced - Sum of the opportunity value that is still Open where a gift influenced the opportunity
    2. Alyce First - Sum of opportunity value that is still Open where an Alyce gift became a door-opener. If an Alyce gift was sent to the account prior to the creation of its first Salesforce opportunity, the revenue will generally count as Alyce First.
  2. Closed-Won [Revenue]
    1. Influenced - Sum of the opportunity value that was Closed-Won where a gift influenced the opportunity
    2. Alyce First - Sum of opportunity value that is Closed-Won where an Alyce gift became a door-opener. If an Alyce gift was sent to the account prior to the creation of its first Salesforce opportunity, the revenue will generally count as Alyce First.
  3. Total Impact [on Revenue]
    1. Influenced - Sum of the opportunity value for all opportunities where a gift influenced the opportunity (Influenced Open Revenue + Influenced Closed-Won Revenue)
    2. Alyce First - Sum of the opportunity value for all opportunities where a became a door-opener (Alyce First Open Revenue + Alyce First Closed-Won Revenue)
  4. Total Spend
    1. Total gift spend for the period. This also includes any spend on gifts that were not tied to Salesforce opportunities.
  5. ROI (Return on Investment)
    1. Total Closed-Won Revenue measured as a return on gift spend (Total Closed won ÷ Total

Note: These numbers will change based on the filters you select on the top right hand corner. Please keep in mind that only Salesforce opportunities with related Alyce spend are included in this dashboard, so the numbers shown in Alyce may not be the same as those you see in Salesforce. If you should encounter any other  unexpected data inconsistencies, please contact Alyce Support.

Thank You Notes Section - NEW!

Any Thank you notes your gift recipients send are now front and center in your dashboard so you can see the love roll in. Click "See More Details" to see even more recent thank you notes.

Tip: if you want to export a list of Thank You Notes, these are contained within the Gift Invitation Report, available on the Teams page.

Influenced Revenue by Deal Type

This chart shows the breakdown of influenced revenue by deal types present in your organization’s Salesforce instance.  

This table automatically pulls all of the deal types present in your organization’s Salesforce instance, but you can easily filter out deal types you do not wish to see. 

These deal types are company-specific; if you have any questions about the specific deal types shown, you should contact your company’s Salesforce administrator.  

Influenced Accounts Table

At the bottom of the Revenue Impact Dashboard you will find a table that lists all of your Salesforce accounts to which we have mapped Alyce gifting within the applied date/team/campaign/team member filters. 

You can filter this table by Campaign Purpose. 

If you click the “Email Report” button, all rows and columns from the table will be emailed to you in .XLSX format.  

You can also search for specific accounts, and sort the table by any column. To sort, hover over the column by which you wish to sort and click on the title. Click once for ascending order, or twice for descending. An arrow will appear next to the column header to indicate the sort order.  

Funnel Influence Dashboard

The Funnel Influence Dashboard shows the breakdown of total influenced revenue by Opportunity Stage and Campaign Purpose. This page uses the same Team/Campaign/Team Member/Date Range filters as the Revenue Impact Dashboard.  

Funnel Influence - Opportunity Stage

The Opportunity Stage chart shows the current status and aggregate revenue value of the opportunities that have been influenced by Alyce gifting. Reminder - these Opportunity stages may be specific to your organization.

Funnel Influence - Campaign Purpose

This chart shows the breakdown of gifts sent by Campaign Purpose.  Campaign Purposes are pre-configured in Alyce and are selected when the campaign is created by a member of your team.

Dashboard Settings

Admins can access Dashboard Settings by clicking on the Gear icon > Org Settings > General > Dashboard Settings

Here you can:

  1. Control whether all users or only Org/Team Admins can see the Dashboard
  2. Update the date range for qualifying door opener gifts as "Alyce First"

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