Example Follow-Up Sequences

  • Updated


Nurturing an Alyce gift invitation at the right moment is critical to seeing success. 

To ensure reps are following up in the right way, at the right time, every time - consider developing a set sequence for them to follow. This way, you can leverage your own best practices around prospect engagement.

How the points of contact are mixed and matched can be to your liking, but having regular outreach is key!


Example Sequences

Alyce Gift Delivered


Email - Day 2

Subject: Did you receive the gift invitation for (GIFT NAME)?


I sent over a gift invitation a few days ago, but it looks like you haven't had a chance to open it up yet. I'd love to know if you did get the invitation, and your thoughts on the gift I picked out for you.

If the gift isn't ideal, you'll have the option exchange it for something else you like better, or you can donate the amount to a charity of your choice!

For your convenience, I'm adding your gift link below.





LinkedIn InMail - Day 5


I sent over a gift invitation a few days ago but noticed you haven't had a chance to open it up yet. I wanted to follow up and see if you got the invitation and get your thoughts. 

You can still take a look and accept your gift here: (GIFT LINK) 


Phone Call - Day 7


Email - Day 10

Subject: Your Gift is About to Expire...


I haven't heard back from you yet, but I wanted to let you know your gift is still available here if you're interested in it: (GIFT LINK)

I would still love to have a conversation if you're interested!

Thank you,


Alyce Gift Viewed


Email - Day 3

Subject: Following up on the (GIFT NAME)


I'm so glad you got my gift invitation, but it looks like you didn't accept it yet. I would love to hear if we hit the mark on the gift idea!

If what was chosen for you wasn't ideal, I wanted to be sure you were aware that you could either exchange the gift for something else you like better, or you can donate the amount to a charity of your choosing.

For your convenience, I'm adding your gift link below.





LinkedIn InMail - Day 5


I noticed you checked out the gift I sent, but you haven't accepted it yet. If you've just forgotten about it- no worries! You can still accept it here: (GIFT LINK)


Phone Call - Day 7


Email - Day 10

Subject: Your Gift is About to Expire...


I haven't heard back from you yet, but I wanted to let you know your gift is still available here if you're interested in it: (GIFT LINK)

I would still love to have a conversation about how (INSERT VALUE PROP).

Thank you,


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