How to followup with gift URLs

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Once you've sent off a gift invitation, it's important to follow up with your recipients! It's helpful to include the link to the gift in each of your followup steps before the recipient accepts the gift. This allows them to simply click within your followup to accept a gift, instead of searching through previous communication. 

How to find an individual followup gift link:

1. In your Dashboard click “Campaigns” in the upper navigation bar.  

2. Find the campaign you sent the gift from and click on it. On the campaign page, scroll halfway down the page to “Gift Breakdown.”  

3. Search your recipient’s name.  

4. Under gift status click where it either says delivered or viewed. The gift flow drawer will pop out. 

5. In the “send a gift” section, there will be a gift invite URL, click “Copy URL.” 

🎉  Congratulations! You can now use that URL in your followup.  

Tip: When inserting the URL in a message, change the text of the link if possible to give context, instead of using a long URL string.

How to find all followup gift links at once

1. In your Dashboard, click "Teams" in the upper navigation bar. Here you’ll see a list of teams you belong to.  

2. If you belong to more than one team, you can decide whether to download the gift invitation report for all teams (A) or for one team (B). 

A: To download it for all teams you’re a part of, simply click “Gift Invitation Report” on the Teams tab. 

B: To get gift links for a  specific team, click on the team to go to that team's page. Then click “Gift Invitation report” on the right side of the screen. 

3. Input the email where you want to receive the Gift Invitation Report. Click “Send Report”.  

4. Check your email for an email from Alyce with the subject line “Gifts Report” and the dates of the report. In this Alyce generated email, you’ll find the report attached.  

5. The report shows all the gifts sent out by your entire team. You’ll need to download the file, filter the results to show just your gifts, remove the rest (use column D,  sender email, or column E send as email, depending on what makes sense for your outbound motion). In the last column, column AJ, You’ll see “Gift Details: Unclaimed Gift Link.”

6. If a recipient has an unclaimed gift, you will see a link in the last column  Gift Details: Unclaimed Gift Link. This means the invitation has been sent but the gift has not been claimed.Use this link to follow up with recipients.  

Tip: A lot of the columns aren’t important for followup. Remove the columns that don’t matter as much and keep the ones that are super helpful. Also remove rows that don't have an unclaimed gift link. This will make the spreadsheet easier to refer to when following up. 

🎉  Congratulations! You've gathered all the links you need to follow up with your recipients. 

How to follow up with your gift link

Now that you have a gift URL to follow up, now you’ll need to perfect that follow up. The Alyce team has put together some great resources on how to follow up with the gift URL:

How to Follow Up After Sending a Gift to your Prospect

The Art of the Gift Follow-Up Ebook

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