Creating and Using Team and Campaign Templates

  • Updated

Creating Templates at the team level speeds up gift sending, and helps keep a consistent voice in your campaigns.

Creating a Template

To get started, log into your Alyce Dashboard

Click on the Settings gear in your Alyce Dashboard, and navigate to the Users and Teams section from the left-hand menu. 

Click the "Action" drop down menu and select "Settings" to open the settings menu for your team

  • Navigate to Templates by choosing the option in the navigation menu for Team settings. From here, you can create a new template or edit existing templates.

You will be prompted to fill in a template name, message subject, and your message.

  • Your template name is only visible to your own users, but the message subject and message will be your email's subject line (if sending digitally) and message body, respectively.  
  • Alyce Templates support placeholder text. To learn more about what fields are available, please see How to use Placeholder Text in Invitation Message Templates

Using Templates

Templates created for your Team can be used in any campaign created within the Team

Enable a Template for a Campaign

Navigate to the Campaign to which you want to add a Template. Click "Edit Campaign"

Click on "Default Message" on the top menu.  

Select the Template you want to use for the Campaign, or select "Use any Template" to leave the choice up to the gifter.

Use a Template in a Gift

During the gift flow, users will be able to select an available Template in the "Craft your message" step:

Messages and the subject can be edited before sending. Using a Template does not affect the signature on a gift, whether sending directly, or using the Send-As feature.

Notable Feature: Remember that as campaign admin, you can lock a message template. Please note that this feature is only available for Personal Gifting and Prospecting Campaigns. Here's how to do it:

Go to the campaign button at the top of your dashboard, then go to the campaign you want to work with and select Edit Settings from the Actions dropdown button.

Then go to the Default Message button and select the template you want to work on:

Finally, uncheck the box and press the green button  Apply message template.

That way, once it is created, it will not be possible to change the message, and that's it!

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